I went to watch the Yorkton Terriers tonight and got to the game just after the 6pm face-off. It was still daylight, so I snapped some photos of a few (and there were a lot more) offenders in the parking lot. As you can see here as I'm driving to find a spot, many people have ended the rows in a manner that allows for two lanes of traffic to go through the middle. However, as you can also see....there is an ignorant person who has taken upon himself/herself to just park randomly in the middle of this area most of us would use to go up and down to scope out the lanes.
This is a blatant offense by two vehicles. The Chevy truck should be the last vehicle in this row. It's fairly clear. The curb is marked in front and beside the truck. This is also one of the front rows to get to the building. The two vehicles on the left side of the truck, are cheating so that they don't have far to walk in order to escape the cold. Poor people. The first one simply drove up the snowbank. The second one is, plainly, in an aisle.
This is the only part of the parking lot that is actually paved and there are parking stalls that are painted. Everyone should be able to see them, especially in daylight. It's tough to tell in this picture, but trust me, the only vehicle parked properly is the red one on the far right. Again, this is pretty close to an entrance door. Four offenders. Two more and they would be up on the sidewalk.
I have received really nice feedback from the public on this crusade. Clearly, folks are getting really annoyed. The other offenders are the ones that park right along the street just off to the west of the skateboard park. That is not a place to park. It's simply meant to be a lane for people to DRIVE in!
Solution: Find a service group or a school club and have them act as parking attendants. In my mind, I'm thinking the folks that do security could be in the parking lot until the drop of the puck or until the first song of a concert, or whatever. Anyone that violates the order established after that time has their plate number called over the public address system and is ordered to move or else be towed.
Come on Stackhouse you've been to Rider games before, it's not that bad is it? You haven't had much comment on the Riders. What do you think of the coaching staff? Are they going to break the bank for Fantuz? Should they go after LaBatte? Phillips? I think Fantuz is worth 220 Thousand, and last year proved how much he is worth!!!!!
ReplyDeleteMaybe the folks that walk the streets uptown all day painting tires and issuing parking tickets could be put on a different shift, say Noon til 8 PM. Work uptown til 5 or 6, then off to the Gallagher Centre. Revenue galore, our property taxes could be reduced. Yorkton drivers have to be the worst in the country.
ReplyDeleteU should be more concerned with the lame job you re-inherited maintaining the SJ website. Put the effort into that that you do with this and you might be getting somewhere. Embarassing!
ReplyDeleteThere is simply no place to park at the gallagher centre when its full. Some ppl park like that bcuz there simply is no room anywhere to park. Come playoff time, I know alot of people park at kak. which is simply the best parking spot bcuz your in your car and home in 5 minutes, rather than trying to get out of the parking lot at the gallagher.
ReplyDeleteGary - sitting back to see what the Riders do. I'll give Chamblin the benefit of the doubt and I don't think Taman was able to make his own decisions last year. I'll give them a chance. You can't demand that your team win championships every year, but you can demand competence. We didn't get competence last year.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous 1 - good idea.
Anonymous 2 - you should apply for the job in the offseason.
Bryan - I was late to the game by about 5 minutes and there were plenty of places to park. It was just that none of the spots were close to the building. I had to suck it up and walk. Can't comment on parking at the Kahk. Sounds like a good idea from a logistics point of view, but if they don't allow for it you could run the risk of being towed.
I agree with Mike, go to a Pats game and you will figure it out, too many lazy fat people in Yorkton!
ReplyDeleteI was at the game early with my son and there was one free spot open on the pavement but some idiot decided to park right on the line so there wasnt enough room on either side. I dont care what anyone says Yorkton is a unique situation when it comes to parking at hockey games. If you dont believe me go to Saskatoon, Regina, etc...
ReplyDeletePeople park like that because they can. No one enforces parking at the Gallagher Centre, so, until they do, nothing is going to change.
ReplyDeleteThe only time something is announced over the PA system is when a vehicle's exterior lights are on.
All it would take is for one person to go out and take some license plates and announce that towing will happen if they aren't moved. If they have to get off their lazy buts and go out and move their vehicle..they won't do it again. There is tonnes of parking at the gallagher center during most events...its pure laziness.
ReplyDeleteIf Regina can get a new mayor, maybe its time for Yorkton to get one and you can be the new guy since this bothers you so much. It also baffles me as to how the SJ site has been so bad when you've been involved, yet things ran so smoothly last year when you weren't.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous - Baffles me too.
ReplyDeleteMayor Stackhouse. I like the ring of that. Cleaning up Yorkton one car at a time.
ReplyDeleteAs the former Anonymous #1, Mike for Mayor. Hire me as Parking Gestapo, pay a fair wage plus commission from each ticket, we would soon have professional courteous parkers in Yorkton. I would also add the reason they have been ticketed for ridiculous parking. Handicapped zone offenders would be charged double the norm.