Friday, December 17, 2010


I am getting old.  There was a brief hold-up on the #16 Highway at Foam Lake this morning as a couple of semis were blocking the road after an apparent accident.  A significant line built up before we were all allowed to proceed.  Road conditions weren't great, but that didn't stop little cars from blowing by me and my four-wheel drive doing about 130 km/h.  I admit that I'm not the most careful driver in the world.  I drive too fast most of the time and sometimes feel as though I'm in some phantom race against time.  But, when there is blowing snow and icy highways, I tend to slow down to a regular speed.  I hope none of these speed demons get into an accident, but it wouldn't surprise me as a few of them that past, did so despite blowing snow that definitely reduced visibility.  I mean, I didn't even see them behind me until they started to pull out into the passing lane.

Memo to drivers that don't pay attention to things happening around you locally (that would be me and those like me):  You can no longer take that short cut road just after Smith Steel to get onto the Yellowhead (#16) Highway.  I think there is another road further down that is also supposed to come out onto the Yellowhead, but that's been capped too.  So, the best way out of town (for those on the west end of Yorkton) is through Gladstone.

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