Monday, October 3, 2011


There is a pretty good chance that if my wife ever kicked me out of the house that I would take fewer bags for the rest of my life than what she takes for two days of scrap booking.  Furthermore, I'm pretty proud of my bench press as of late.  It's nothing compared to what these weigh.

1 comment:

  1. Hmmmm... maybe you should start packing your bags after posting that photo! A photo like that begs for the explanation that yes... I do have lots of stuff that I take with me, but our basement does not normally look like that... only during reno time!!! Also, Mr. Bench press, maybe it is time to add more weight to your workout, considering that in the process of carrying all my stuff up the stairs, out to the van, into the place we were working, then back into the van, I moaned and groaned, huffed and puffed, and complained FAR less than you did only making one trip with the stuff!!!
    signed... Your LOVING wife XOXO
