Saturday, December 25, 2010


So I decided to get a account today as I'll be travelling a bit over the Holidays and figured live streaming of movies may come in handy.

Problem is, I typed in about 20 movies to watch and a whopping sum of 0 were available.

Then, I tried the top ten movies of 2002 according to a couple of popular websites and found 0.

There are a lot of movies available, but most of the ones I'd want to see are old selections that I've already seen or don't want to ever see.

There are also a whole host of movies I've never heard of.

As far as discovering a TV series?  Forget it.

Maybe I'm using it wrong.  This is supposed to the 'it' of movies and live streaming.  I'll stick to iTunes if I want to pay an over-inflated price and there is another website out there called and it's much better; although I'm told Movieberry's tech service is pretty much non-existent.  To this point, I haven't needed it! 

To compare:  The Hangover, The Expendables,and A-Team are all available on movieberry.  None of those are available on Netflix.

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